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Why Small Businesses Prefer HR Outsourcing?

What is HR Outsourcing? Human Resources Outsourcing is a practice of contracting out full or limited HR functions to external, third-party service providers. According to Classic Informatics: Depending on your small business needs, an external HR service provider can cover one, multiple, or all internal Human Resource functions. These tasks can be completed quickly with […]

Pride at Work: How To Support Your 2SLGBTQI+ Colleagues

What Does it Mean to “Be an Ally” in the Workplace? Being an ally is about acknowledging the role we all play in creating inclusive workplace environments. A major challenge that many 2SLGBTQI+ individuals experience is stereotyping. Movies, TV shows and plays tend to exaggerate personality traits or qualities in 2SLGBTQI+ individuals, by displaying certain […]

Understanding 2SLGBTQI+ Terminology

Pride at Work: Do you Know 2SLGBTQI+ Terminology? Understanding 2SLGBTQI+ terminology is important in building an inclusive and respectful workplace. The acronym 2SLGBTQI+ stands for: two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning and intersex. The plus sign signifies a number of other identities and is inclusive of language that is evolving around the diverse […]

Essential HR Policies for 2024

Workplaces Have Evolved HR policies offer many benefits: not only do they help prioritize the health, safety, and wellbeing of employees worldwide, but they also drive sustainable business practices, identify and mitigate workplace hazards, and empower meaningful change through pragmatic application. HR policies promote a fair and equitable workplace, convey corporate values and expectations to […]

Workplace Mediation: What to Expect

The Approach The approach used is called “transformative mediation” and focuses on the relationship between the parties. This process empowers each party to express herself/himself and to re-establish their connection with the other person. The premise is that, once the parties interests are clarified and the relationship is sorted out, the “issues” or “positions” tend […]

Email Best Practices in The Workplace: 10 Email Etiquette Tips

Business Email Etiquette in the Workplace – Ten Tips Do Not Share Sensitive or Confidential Information:  There is no guarantee that this information will not be shared with the wrong parties. Think Before You Send: Is email the best method of communication for a discussion with your co-workers or employees under your supervision? Maintain Respect: […]

Legal and Inclusive Interviewing and Hiring

How to Make Interviewing and Hiring Decisions that do not Contravene the  Human Rights Code (Code) This Interviewer Guide for Canadian Employers describes the human rights issues that commonly arise in interviews and some of the types of questions that may or may not be asked. What to Consider: Employment agencies/search firms The hiring process must […]

Benefits of Using Behavioural Descriptive Interview Questions When Hiring

Behavioral Descriptive Interview (BDI) questions are used in job interviews to help determine if applicants have the necessary skills and competencies.  They identify behaviours related to effective job performance. Past Behavior’s:  By asking candidates to describe how they have handled certain situations in the past, employers can better understand how they are likely to respond […]

5 Steps to Optimize Job Screening

How to determine who should proceed to the interview stage, while ensuring that potentially good candidates are not arbitrarily “screened out”? When facing multiple applicants all phases of the recruitment and selection process depend upon some form of screening, with the job interview being one of the final stages. These Screening Guidelines will help you […]

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