“She said, he said.” Problems of Proof in Workplace Sexual Harassment Cases

It is imperative to identify, understand and prevent all forms of sexual harassment in the workplace. Workplace Harassment Victims: Victims of workplace  harassment are often reluctant to come forward because there were no eye witnesses to the harassing conduct. This is especially true in sexual harassment because of its personal nature; the offensive behaviour often […]

Does Your Compnay Need a Drug and Alcohol Policy?

Does your Company Need a Drug and Alcohol Policy?  Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe work environment for workers. This means protecting workers from workplace hazards, including those associated with drug and alcohol consumption and abuse. Having a policy goes a long way toward meeting your health and safety responsibility and is in […]

What is the Disconnecting from Work in Ontario Policy?

What is a Disconnecting from work in Ontario Policy? In this modern age of work, more and more of our working lives are spent “connected” – emails, text messages and virtual conference calling machines like the infamous Zoom and Microsoft Teams are just some of the platforms that have become common place in our offices. […]

5 Ways to Maximize Employee Engagement in Health and Safety Committee Meetings

5 Ways to Maximize Employee Engagement: Health and Safety Committee Meetings 1. Agenda Preparation Ensure that a comprehensive agenda is prepared and shared with committee members before the meeting. This helps members prepare in advance and sets clear expectations for the discussion topics. 2. Educational Topics Dedicate time during meetings for educational segments, such as […]

Benefits of an Effective Joint Health and Safety Committee

Benefits of an Effective Joint Health and Safety Committee Improved Workplace Safety A proactive health and safety committee contributes to the identification and mitigation of potential hazards, promoting a safer work environment. This, in turn, reduces the risk of workplace accidents and injuries. Legal Compliance An effective committee ensures that the organization adheres to legal […]

Managing the Workplace During a Workplace Harassment Investigation

Managing the Workplace During a Workplace Harassment Investigation Employers are required by law to protect workers from the hazard of workplace harassment, including sexual harassment. In most jurisdictions, including Ontario, part of the required protection is an anti-harassment policy and program that includes a process to investigate complaints. Running a business while conducting a workplace […]

10 Tips for an Effective Joint Health and Safety Committee

10 Tips for an Effective Joint Health and Safety Committee A healthy workplace is fundamental to the physical and mental well-being of employees. A safe working environment can increase job satisfaction, improve productivity, and promote a positive work environment. An effective health and safety committee helps create a workplace that prioritizes the well-being of its […]

Dealing With Workplace Harassment

Is Your Workplace Safe from Harassment? Use the following list as a starting point to determine if your workplace has the right policies and practices in place to effectively prevent harassment: Do you conduct employee satisfaction surveys, or have other instruments to get a sense of what employees may be feeling about issues around harassment? […]

Bystander Intervention Training

Bystander Intervention: Empower Employees to be the First Line of Defense Against Harassment What is the Bystander Effect? We all know the expression, “safety in numbers.” When a group of people mutually support one another, we naturally assume that each member of the group feels a measure of confidence that the group will have their back. However, it […]

Mandatory Training in Ontario: Is Your Workplace Compliant?

Mandatory Training in Ontario: Is Your Workplace Compliant? To comply with federal and provincial legislation, Ontario workplaces are required to provide training in four mandatory areas to ensure their workforce is informed and equipped to maintain a safe, inclusive, and compliant workplace. While each workplace has unique training needs, these core programs ensure employees understand […]

Training Your Way

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