Harassment Investigation Services

HR Proactive Inc. leads the way in investigating Workplace Harassment Complaints 

Calgary Workplace Harassment Investigations

Our company will conduct thorough investigations into allegations of workplace harassment. Complaints may include sexual harassment, bullying, threats of violence, and all other human rights protected grounds of harassment and discrimination, code of conduct violations or breach of company policy.

Federal Sector (Bill C-65)

Amendments to the Canada Labour Code under Bill C-65 came into effect January 1, 2021 in a continued effort to build healthy and safe working environments where all employees are treated with respect, dignity and fairness with no tolerance for harassment and violence of any form in the workplace.

Harassment Investigation Services (Canada-Wide)

HR Proactive Inc. leads the way in investigating Workplace Harassment Complaints in Canada.

Our human rights consultants are frequently retained to conduct workplace investigations in Ontario, as well as the rest of the country, when there is a need for a skilled and experienced neutral third-party to respond and assess a human rights complaint.

Our investigations can be carried out virtually, with Complainant, Respondent, and Witness interviews arranged using video conferencing (Zoom, MS Teams) or over the phone. In-person interviews can also be coordinated if required.

Individual One-On-One Sensitivity Training

HR Proactive provides individual “One-on-One” Sensitivity Training, coaching and counselling for your employees when the need arises in your workplace. Our sensitivity training provides an effective way of addressing inappropriate behaviour or assisting employees who may be encountering difficulty interacting with or managing others. This One-on-One Sensitivity Training Program can also be delivered as a group session.


Mediation Workplace (Canada Wide)

We have found that setting up a mediation between the Complainant and the Respondent offers one of the best chances at getting a fresh start. If the parties to the Compliant can return to the workplace, having “made peace” or at least have a plan for how to manage their relationship going forward, things are much more likely to go well. If the parties return to work in the right frame of mind, any polarization of the workplace surrounding the dispute(s) that gave rise to the investigation also dissipates quickly.

So what is Mediation?

Mediation has five distinct phases, but it is not unusual to cycle back and forth between these different elements throughout the process. It is not linear, but instead a very fluid process. This flexibility is one of the reasons why mediation is so successful.


Team Interventions

HR Proactive Inc. can customize programs for teams that require intervention, transformation of culture, morale improvement and dispute resolution.

Respectful and professional relationships are a key component to ensuring the attainment of the vision and goals of your workplace.

A respectful and inclusive organizational culture contributes positively to effective client/customer relationships and achieving business goals.

Workplace Harassment
Investigations Training
HR Proactive’s Workplace Harassment Investigation Training is a one-day workshop that provides managers, human resources personnel and others in your organization who conduct harassment investigations, the opportunity to become more confident and knowledgeable in their role as investigators.

Workplace Culture Review

In most jurisdictions, occupational health and safety law requires workplaces to take all reasonable precautions to protect workers from the hazards of discrimination, harassment and violence. This can mean that employers must have policies in place, must train workers and must investigate when complaints arise.

Articles Pertaining to Harassment Investigations

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