Human Rights

Human rights is complex and intersects with all aspects of the employment relationship, each matter is unique on its own set of facts and requires a customized solution.

HR Proactive Inc. has been building respectful workplaces since 1997. We have been providing advice, and solutions to help employers maintain a fair, inclusive, and discrimination-free workplace — and demonstrate that they have done so.

HR Proacitve’s approach emphasizes preventive measures such as well-drafted policies, training, and internal complaint systems. In appropriate cases, we are retained as to conduct internal investigations into complaints of harassment, discrimination, or other workplace culture issues, and assist our clients in resolving these in an appropriate and cost-effective manner.

HR Proactive Leads the Way in Human Rights Training for Managers 101.

We have developed course material that can be customized to meet management’s need to lead with confidence!

Training Your Way

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