Effective Management Series

The Effective Management Series consists of a number of interactive and connected modules that will require participants to take control of their learning through self-assessment, active in-class participation and completion of out-of class assignments.

The objective of the effective management series is to increase participants’ awareness of their strengths and weaknesses as managers and armed with this information, assist them to develop their skills and knowledge in effective management techniques and strategies.

Evaluation of Learning:

At the end of each module, participants will be given an out of class assignment to be completed and handed in to the facilitator before commencement of the next module. The facilitator will evaluate each assignment and return to participants before the next module Questions, comments or concerns regarding the assignment will be addressed at the beginning of next module. At the end of the series, each participant will receive a certificate of completion.

Evaluation of learning and the transference of knowledge and skills to the workplace will also form part of the participant’s performance evaluation process.

Module 1 – The Successful Manager

Learning Objective:

To provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the role of a manager in an organization and to provide a supportive environment that allows a self-assessment of personal strengths and weaknesses in relation to success in a management role.

Estimated Time:

4 hours


Lecturette, case studies, hand-outs, large group discussions and exercises.


The Manager as Leader


The Self-Aware Manager


Communicating Effectively as a Manager


The Flexible Manager


Module 2 – Managing Employee Relations

Learning Objective:

To provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and appreciate the importance of managing employee relations and to provide management tools that will assist participants in managing employees in a positive and supportive manner.

Estimated Time:

4 hours


Lecturette, case studies, hand-outs, large group discussions and exercises.



Module 3 – Conflict Management

Learning Objective:

To provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and manage conflict in the workplace.

Estimated Time:

7 hours


Lecturette, case studies, hand-outs, large group discussions and exercises.



Module 4 – Employee Motivation

Learning Objective:

To provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively motivate employees and link motivation to employee performance.

Estimated Time:

4 hours


Lecturette, case studies, hand-outs, large group discussions and exercises.



Module 5 – The Organized Manager

Estimated Time:

4 hours


Lecturette, case studies, hand-outs, large group discussions and exercises.



Management Skills Training – Self-Taught

HR Proactive has developed a new self-taught Supervisor Leadership Series to train new Supervisors/Managers on the following topics:


Click on the link for details: https://www.newsupervisorvideo.ca/

Training Your Way

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