Live Virtual Training:
Prevent Harassment, Bullying & Violence in the Workplace – Employee Training

Overview No workplace is immune to harassment, bullying and violence. It can occur in any workplace to any employee. Employers must maintain a harassment-free work environment and take action if a worker is being harassed, bullied or discriminated against, or involved in a violent situation, by another worker or supervisor, a customer, member of the […]
Respectful Workplace:
Violence & Harassment eLearning Program

HR Proactive’s Respectful Workplace: Violence & Harassment eLearning Program will help fulfill the objective of building and maintaining a respectful workplace. This program has an employee version with an add-on for manager training, and is also available in French. Our online Violence & Harassment eLearning Program is approximately 30-40 minutes with interactive case studies throughout. […]
Communication and Coaching for Leaders

Overview This experiential program focuses on the interpersonal aspects of leadership and is relevant for all levels of management. Through group exercises and simulations, participating managers and supervisors will learn essential techniques for providing direction, coaching, and feedback to enable their employees to improve performance and function cooperatively as a team. Participants will also explore […]
One-on-One Anger Management Training

When HR Proactive can provide individual, “One-on-One Anger Management” training, coaching and counseling for your staff, when the need arises in your workplace. This service provides an effective way of addressing inappropriate behaviour or assisting employees who may be encountering difficulty interacting with or managing others. Individualized training may be required as a result of […]
Reset Your Workplace Culture

Do some values and behaviours need to be reset within your workplace culture? There can be a number of reasons why workplace teams need to re-establish appropriate boundaries. HR Proactive’s training program and activity helps employees and managers get back on a positive path towards maintaining a respectful workplace in the new normal. Our Live […]
HR Proactive Team

The Team HR Proactive associates are responsible for investigating complaints of harassment and discrimination; developing and implementing human rights related training and supportive human resource management policies; conflict resolution; facilitation and mediation and for the design of conflict management systems. The HR Proactive team has developed a comprehensive line of human resource management training products […]
Workplace Mediation

The approach used is called “transformative mediation” and focuses on the relationship between the parties. This process empowers each party to express herself/himself and to re-establish their connection with the other person. The premise is that, once the parties’ interests are clarified and the relationship is sorted out, the “issues” or “positions” tend to resolve […]
Team Interventions – Facilitated Dialogue

HR Proactive Inc. can customize programs for teams that require intervention, transformation of culture, morale improvement and dispute resolution. Respectful and professional relationships are a key component to ensuring the attainment of the vision and goals of your workplace. A respectful and inclusive organizational culture contributes positively to effective client/customer relationships and achieving business goals. […]
Mediation – A Way Forward

We have found that setting up a mediation between the Complainant and the Respondent offers one of the best chances at getting a fresh start. If the parties to the Compliant can return to the workplace, having “made peace” or at least have a plan for how to manage their relationship going forward, things are […]
Individual One-on-One Sensitivity Training or Remedial Training for Workplace Restoration

When HR Proactive provides individual “One-on-One” Sensitivity Training, coaching and counselling for your employees when the need arises in your workplace. Our sensitivity training provides an effective way of addressing inappropriate behaviour or assisting employees who may be encountering difficulty interacting with or managing others. This One-on-One Sensitivity Training Program can also be delivered as […]