Respectful Workplace:
Violence & Harassment eLearning Program
HR Proactive’s Respectful Workplace: Violence & Harassment eLearning Program will help fulfill the objective of building and maintaining a respectful workplace. This program has an employee version with an add-on for manager training, and is also available in French. Our online Violence & Harassment eLearning Program is approximately 30-40 minutes with interactive case studies throughout. […]
HR Proactive Team
The Team HR Proactive associates are responsible for investigating complaints of harassment and discrimination; developing and implementing human rights related training and supportive human resource management policies; conflict resolution; facilitation and mediation and for the design of conflict management systems. The HR Proactive team has developed a comprehensive line of human resource management training products […]
Workplace Mediation
The approach used is called “transformative mediation” and focuses on the relationship between the parties. This process empowers each party to express herself/himself and to re-establish their connection with the other person. The premise is that, once the parties’ interests are clarified and the relationship is sorted out, the “issues” or “positions” tend to resolve […]